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Roxtec Transit Designer™ is your shortcut to safety and efficiency.
This free, web-based application simplifies product selection as well as the entire process that surrounds cable and pipe transits.
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We are ready to assist you in your safety work and solve your sealing problem, wherever you operate.
Contact your nearest Roxtec office for guidance through design challenges or for questions regarding installation quality.
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There is a sealing solution for every requirement.
… or 7 questions to ask your penetration seal supplier.
Our seals, services and software simplify engineering.
DCD Talks on efficient protection.
Read the white paper on airtight solutions.
Versatile solutions for rolling stock with focus on safety.
Use our expertise to secure your green power.
New Roxtec sealing modules for rolling stock.
A guide to the new safety demands in UR Z28, Z23 and Z17.
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