1. Products
  2. Solutions
  3. Roxtec RS seal with SLFO/Ext

Roxtec RS seal with SLFO/Ext

Penetration seal for a single cable or pipe.

The Roxtec RS with SLFO/Ext is a seal with sleeve for single cables or pipes. The entry seal has two halves with removable layers making it adaptable to cables and pipes of different sizes. The design of the transit makes it easy to install around existing cables or pipes. The openable sleeve with a wide flange to comply with minimum edge distance between bolt and opening is bolted to uneven structures such as concrete.

  • Perfect for retrofit
  • Adapts to cables and pipes of different sizes
  • Openable

Product characteristics

  • watertight.svg
  • fire rated.svg
    Fire rated

Ratings & certificates

Certificates are continuously added, renewed and replaced, please visit regularly to ensure compliance.


  • E/EI rating according to EN 13501


  • Water: 0.3 bar (constant)


Structure of installation

  • concrete_icon.svg

Mounting type

  • bolting.svg

Installation instructions

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