1. About us
  2. Sustainability
  3. People
  4. Diversity, inclusion and equal treatment

Diversity, inclusion and equal treatment

Equal opportunities for all employees are important for Roxtec.

We work systematically to meet the requirements from coworkers as well as external interested parties. This is done through different activities such as general surveys as well as more specific workshops,

For us, the concept of equal treatment means that all people have the same value and are to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnic belonging, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.

Roxtec shall be a well-functioning workplace where we all have the same good opportunities to succeed and do our very best. No one within the organization is to undergo victimization, harassment, bullying, social exclusion, or sexual harassment.

Guidance and safety

Long term, Roxtec is working to make sure that equal rights and opportunities are in harmony with the Roxtec company culture, which is expressed through our core values, our vision, our mission and our code of conduct. This creates guidance and safety for our coworkers.

The Roxtec Core Values and our ethical guidance describe what is important for us, what we stand for, our values and last, but not least how we relate to our customers, coworkers, partners and society.

Our vision: We seal the world

Our mission: Protecting life and assets